Eva Mycosis:: Microbial infections in the feminine intimate area have no place in your everyday life!

Microbial infections of the feminine intimate area are very disturbing.
InterMed innovates once again in the market, with a highly innovative product line.
EVA mycosis brand with boric acid and tea tree oil consists of EVA Mycosis Ovules, EVA Mycosis Intimate Foaming Wash, Eva Mycosis Intimate Wash, Eva Mycosis Intimate Spray.
Products specifically designed to control fungal infections.
In particular, EVA Mycosis Ovules inhibits fungal activity within 48 hours and over 90% while balancing the vaginal environment.
Eva Mycosis Intimate Spray, Eva Mycosis Intimate Foaming Wash and Eva Mycosis Intimate Wash can be combined with medications to treat fungal infections of the genitals and are recommended for dermal use in other parts of the body.

It is worth noting that Eva Mycosis was awarded last year with the Best in Pharmacy Gold Award as the most innovative new pharmacy product!

Read more on the link below:


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